jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Frontiers Research Topic: Cardiovascular actions of insulin: beyond metabolism regulation

Open for submission!

Cardiovascular actions of insulin: beyond metabolism regulation | Frontiers Research Topic

About this Research Topic

Recent findings show the potential role of insulin signaling in cardiovascular health, related with insulin receptors expression in cardiomyocytes and vascular cells. The epidemiological data show a correlation between insulin resistance/diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, highlighting the necessity to bring together the new findings about cellular and molecular mechanism regulated by insulin in cardiovascular health and diseases. This Research Topic will make a review of cardiovascular actions of insulin in different vascular beds and cell types, from molecular approaches to human physiology. 
In this Research Topic we propose to discuss: Vascular relaxation induced by insulin, endothelial function and insulin signaling, regulation of electric properties of cardiomyocytes by insulin, insulin resistance and cardiovascular diseases, placental vascular bed and insulin, oxidative stress in cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance, among others.

Submission Deadlines: 31 October 2015

Image from: Yu et al., 2011. Insulin says NO to cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular Research, 89: 516-524.

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